6 human needs by Tony Robbins for coaches and trainers

In life, it is common for people to walk through their path with a blanket of ignorance and not knowing what they really need to lead and achieve fulfilling lives. They struggle in a job they hate; they fight with their partner, or they raise children who grow up to be emotionally off-balanced. Their lives are seemingly running on autopilot—and then comes the time where it all crashes down and they are left to wonder where it all went. Their accomplishments and their regrets all come to the surface, exposed for all the criticizing eyes to see.

           Where you are now is the result of the decisions you have made and the challenges you overcame in the past. All those decisions were made in line with your needs at that time. Ensuring that you understand helps you become a lot more self-aware, and with self-awareness comes the ability to assess what you need to assess for your own betterment.

Now, what drives us? How do we stay passionate every day? Where do we get our strength? What matters the most to us? In what ways can we improve our financial situation, business, relationships, and emotional well-being? The answer to these questions is essential to make a change. And your ability to live a fulfilling life will depend on how you answer these questions.

The Human Needs

Let’s talk about human needs. The six human needs outlined by Tony Robbins are certainty, variety, love and connection, contribution, growth, and significance. In your role as a coach or trainer, which one of these human needs has had the greatest importance to you? Which one of these grew dominant over the years and pushed you to where you are now? Well, contribution is most likely one of your needs. This means that you wish to enhance others' well-being. To make a difference, to be meaningful, and to have an impact on the world is what we all coaches, trainers, and consultants seek. It is important for us to put something out into the world that will generate a series of changes causing something good. Influencing others whilst improving your financial situation is what you most likely aim for. The goal is to inspire others, to stand on stage in front of an audience, to receive applause because of the great contribution you made to their lives—but with your feet still on the ground. Consequently, these two human needs are of paramount importance for you.

To influence and make a difference, you need to get in front of thousands or millions of people. You begin making a difference in your life by making a difference in theirs. It’s a win-win situation. Your life will begin to matter and you will finally feel like you are living with passion and purpose every day. You begin to strive more to achieve your personal mission and helping others to achieve their success, wellbeing, and desired lifestyle.

This is one of those principles that is missing in most people’s lives in our world today. It's not something we're taught in schools, so we have to build ourselves up on a personal perspective for us to build up our professional life later on. We have to re-parent ourselves on what values we deem most important to us because if we only keep climbing and climbing without a clear destination, we will only be left unfulfilled and disappointed with ourselves. We must also learn to disintegrate the value of money and the moral values that fulfill us. It is common for people to aim to make money because they feel that this will greatly improve their quality of life. Yet there are so many wealthy people, who are nevertheless not satisfied with their lives no matter how much the numbers in their bank account outpour. In today's world, a lot of people have accomplished everything they ever wanted, and yet, they are still unhappy. Why do you think so? Well, it’s probably because they haven't found what they truly need, making them unable to feel that they already have a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Life comes with certain expectations for all of us. That’s an inevitable fact. There are certain things we are all looking for to feel like we are living our highest purpose. This is what you probably felt when you started your coaching, training, or consultancy business. You were driven by the desire to improve your financial situation, be free to determine how to spend your time, and have a positive impact on others. You have a purpose, and that is all that matters.

This was one of my biggest realizations. A seminar I attended with Blair Singer taught me that I have so much more potential than I had realized at the time. With all of the knowledge I accumulated and the skills I acquired, I realized being useful to others could make me even more than what I already was. Using my time to make a positive impact on my community is what motivated me to start my coaching and training business, and probably a similar situation prompted your decision, too. When building your business, you must identify your human needs first and use them as a framework for all of your decisions. If it's contribution, stay committed to helping others and inspiring other people to get out of their comfort zones and grow. If it's love and connection, make more of an effort to connect with your clients and establish a healthy relationship with them. If it's growth, continue investing in your professional and personal development—but don’t forget to celebrate your milestones and have a clear goal of what you want next. Then if it's about significance, find the courage to get in front of millions of people and empower them through the knowledge, experiences, and trials you have faced over the years.

            If you can distinguish what your needs are as early as now, it will be essential in helping yourself live a passionate and purposeful life. Regardless of what our human needs are, we must meet them if we truly want to live our life.

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