Take control over your emotions to live an extraordinary life

emotions Sep 20, 2021

Emotions. A word so simple yet so complex at the same time. A lot of people like to explore their emotions, and a lot of others like to stay away from them. One way or another, emotions influence every aspect of our life, even when you don’t realize it at first. Have you ever figured out how your emotions influence yours? 

Control your emotions before they control you

The truth is, every single emotion you are feeling on a daily basis has the power to take you towards a different path. Emotions aren’t constant, and they can be dangerous when not controlled. If you feel anger every day, people will associate you with it and it will eventually define yourself and the relationship you have with those around you. If you feel optimistic every day, then you most likely attract like-minded, positive, and passionate people who are happy with who they are, yet also taking the time to improve themselves. If you are never satisfied with what you have, then no matter how much you achieve, you're never going to feel grateful for what you have and for who you are. 

Gratitude is everything

If you feel like you and your emotions don’t always see eye to eye, my advice to you is to start right with practicing gratitude for what you already have in your life. If you have a roof above your head, be grateful. If you can afford to eat even just more than once each day, be grateful. If you have a healthy relationship with others, be grateful. Start recognizing the values that you have and what you are bringing to this world. You’ll realize that you are more than just a clump of cells trying their best to make it through this lifetime.

Be happy with what you have

I am talking here from experience, as I have tried time and again to achieve more and more, and yet it was never enough. I always felt empty, like no matter how much I achieved, I always had this desire to want more. At some point, I realized that this was an endless cycle and I started to self-reflect. I stopped for a moment and acknowledged what I have, how much I had achieved already for my age, and how much I had grown over time. Because when you take the moment to appreciate your achievements, no matter how big or small they are, you get to realize that there really are a lot of things to be proud and grateful for as opposed to just wanting more and more.

This is something that, as coaches and trainers, we forget to do. We forget to be grateful for all of the good things and achievements in our lives, and we keep aiming for more – a six-or-seven-figure business, freedom, improved relationships, building the right team to support you; it could be anything. Maybe we feel lonely or empty, but no matter what you are feeling and experiencing, you must always go back to your roots and start recognizing what you already have. Because the truth is, no matter how much you would love to reach your dreams, it will never be enough. But it will only feel like it is never enough if you keep thinking that it will never be enough. Happiness starts today – but not only when you fulfill all your expectations and find what you think you are searching for. It is not about the destination, it's about the journey, and you have the ability to decide to be happy and grateful today. 

It’s about time to change how you are feeling. Why not start now? If you feel like you are not satisfied with the version of you at present time, and if you are constantly dreaming about more than what you have, then it is time to take a moment and reflect. How much more do I have to receive in order to be happy with what I have? What does it mean to be financially free? How much more do I need to have in order to live the life I have always dreamed of? What amount of money will make me happy?  The question I would also like you to answer is: why? Why that amount and not something else? Why do we always feel the need to achieve more? Maybe we are afraid, and this gives us a feeling of comfort and certainty that our human needs are being met. What is hiding behind those numbers? Once you answer this, you will also be able to see your life from a different perspective. You must understand that life is not just about numbers, it is about living with passion and dynamic energy every day. It’s about being at peace with yourself, having relationships with people who support and guide you, that you trust and trust you, and who love you for who you are as much as you love who they are. 

Realize the abundance that you have in your life

The concept of abundance is very different for each one of us. Having millions of dollars does not technically mean abundance. Life does not solely revolve around money. I live in a house in front of the sea and mountains and I still wondered if it was enough. The answer was no. But then I started to think: why it is not enough? A lot of people would love to trade for what I have right now. I am truly living in abundance, while there are people in a warzone struggling, homeless, unable to afford food, and facing so many challenges without the assistance they truly need. I started to reflect and realized that I do have a lot: amazing relationships, family and people surrounding me, an amazing place to live in, and I get to travel freely. I already had these privileges. So why do I need more? Well, it was because I did not take the time to acknowledge the greatness in my life, I was always chasing something new, something else, something more. Take a moment and acknowledge your greatness.

You can only give what you have

Throughout my childhood, I always felt like I needed to prove to other people that I am valuable and that if I give a lot, they will love me in return. I realized later on that this was an unhealthy mindset. Why do we feel we have to give so much to feel worthy and appreciated? This thought struck me again in my previous job. Giving more does not make you feel better if you don’t value yourself. Do remember that you cannot give what you do not have, so you need to work on what you want to provide. Start reflecting on how much you give and work to achieve the balance between what you are giving and what you are receiving. If you don't yet have balance, reflect on the whys and hows to achieve equilibrium, because this is going to influence the way you are leading your business and the way you will succeed in the long run. If you give a lot without receiving, there will come a time when there will be nothing more to give, because you will be too exhausted. You will wonder why it still feels like you haven’t done enough despite how much of an impact you are already putting out into the world. The quick answer is because you are also not receiving. Because givers need to be on the receiving end, too.

What you need to do is to reflect on these aspects and start thinking about how you want to lead your business. Determine how much do you have to give and how much can you receive, in order to feel happy and be at peace with who you are and what you have. From there on, you will start to be a bit happier with your life. 

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